Showing 65 Result(s)

This ONE Thing Will Make You Happier Today!

Listen Now: Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today! I know you don’t like those small tasks that barely add any excitement to your life, neither do I. But it doesn’t make it better to keep pushing them off for tomorrow because more often tomorrow never comes. Always keep in mind that it is the accomplished …

woman in blue sports bra and white leggings stretching

How to Talk Yourself Out of Bad Decisions – Quit Bad Habits and Break Free From Addictive Behavior

Don’t we all wish we could resist unhealthy urges that seem to come out of nowhere? The ones that end up becoming bad decisions stopping us from reaching our goals sooner? What if I told you there’s a way you can talk yourself out of those unhealthy urges? Surf the urge is a technique that will help you ride out the urge like a wave. YES, a wave!  In this …

young woman lying on floor on mat while using laptop at home

Is the SCALE an indicator of SUCCESS?

I know the goal of all of our fitness efforts is to see results, right? And because of this, we often get emotionally tied to the outcome goals rather than falling in love with the process. The scale, for example, is a tool to use in your fitness journey, but those numbers failing to produce what you want can lead you …

Motivation Made Easy: Maintain Motivation, Have More Energy, and Get Results in Your Fitness!

I’m sure you’re still looking for ways to implement your yearly fitness goals, right? And for you to accomplish these goals, you need motivation and energy. So, how are your habits boosting or sucking up your energy? Because your energy dictates your motivation, which is, maintained by taking action!  This is an episode of Girls Gone Healthy you don’t want to miss. I talk about maintaining motivation by changing your habits …

Fitness Progress You’re Forgetting to Measure

Have you really ever reflected on all the gains that fitness has added to your life? Those little things like showing up for your routine every morning or when you push yourself for ten more seconds past your breaking point. I gained confidence after pushing myself to show up in uncomfortable group fitness classes. It could be …

The Advice I Wish I Knew When Starting a Big Health Goal

Making new health and fitness changes is hard just like that fad diet you keep failing at! But it all gets easier as time goes by and those changes turn into habits. The truth is that nothing is sustainable forever and a lifestyle you adopt today might change tomorrow, and it’s perfectly all right to keep experimenting.   In this episode of Girls Gone Healthy, I talk about the misleading …


Did you want to move onto the next chapter of your life once you retired from competitive sports? Don’t we all…but you have to ask yourself if closing that chapter really is the best thing for your health. Think about it; you no longer have coaches, nutritionists, a training schedule, and all the other benefits that come with being …