Are you one of those people who like to push themselves so hard towards reaching a goal until you’re miserable? The truth is, you won’t achieve your goals to the fullest if you don’t practice self-discipline and self-compassion through rest and recovery. Always remember that there’s no excellence without self-compassion. The hustle culture isn’t serving both your physical and mental health, and it’s only by finding balance will you be able to achieve greatness.
In this episode of the Live Your Personal Best podcast, I speak with Jiggy, a youth motivational speaker teaching college students how to excel in their craft and prioritize their mental health so they can optimize their performance and continue to build their legacy. Listen in to learn about the questions you need to ask yourself to understand the root cause of your need for approval and raise your level of self-awareness.
Key Takeaways:
· The importance of rest and recovery in enhancing performance.
· How to be serious about your rest, mental health, and self-care to avoid burnout.
· Stop looking for reasons and excuses to drive yourself to burnout and instead focus on sustainability and longevity to attain greatness.
· How to create self-awareness around what brings you rest and effective rest.
· Start with your non-negotiables first when time-blocking to avoid deteriorating your health.
· How to constantly check in with yourself and encourage yourself to continue showing up and progressing.
· Start digging into the why and the root cause of things to understand yourself better so you raise your level of self-awareness.
· How to develop self-discipline by keeping promises (goals) that you make to yourself.
Episode Timeline:
· [2:44] How Jiggy found her passion in motivational speaking and working with college students.
· [4:37] How a childhood void of compassion and early life experiences contributed to who Jiggy is today.
· [8:09] Understanding that you’re deserving of rest, recovery, and self-care.
· [12:33] How Jiggy strategizes to create self-awareness around rest and effective rest.
· [16:18] All the things she’s done and those she’s still doing, plus how she keeps herself in check.
· [21:04] The power of understanding your limits and the fine line between self-discipline and self-sabotage.

“Society is obsessed with trying to prove that we’re hard workers that way we’re deserving of all the rewards and medals that come with life.”- Jiggy [9:38]
“Once the intention of doing something surpasses your heart’s desires and all of a sudden it’s overflowing into burnout and self-sabotage, that’s where you really want to check in as to why that is.”- Jiggy [24:04]