What Are You Waiting For?? Workout Motivation to Give You That Push You Need

Need a kick in the pants to GET UP and GET AFTER IT? Look no further, just press play.

Different people seek motivation from different things. What motivates me is knowing the fact that only I am responsible for making changes.  

Yes, I know that right now things are harder than ever before. We are struggling with circumstances that are not even under our control for instance gyms closing down again in Boston. 

This happened just as I was super excited to join a new gym. But obstacles come our way all the time and we have to work around them in the best way possible. 

I could either be upset about not being able to go to the gym or even workout outside because of the cold or accept the situation as it is and continue working out at home even if I only have a pair of doubles for equipment. 

We are always looking towards other people for inspiration, motivation or quick fix to our problems but it is important to understand that change happens only when we decide to change for ourself. 

Sure, listening to me might help you feel motivated but it is up to you to act on that motivation and bring about change. 

Health experts or financial advisors can only guide you about how to eat right and spend right but that alone can’t make you healthy or financially secure. You have got to make real changes based on that guidance. 

I am not blaming you for your problems but just making you realize your power. You don’t have to wait for other people to come to rescue you or for a new year to turn a new leaf. You already have everything you need. 

If you want to work out, be stronger, fitter, and slimmer all you need is you. Of course, there are people and tools to guide you and make your journey easier but only you can put all their knowledge and guidance into action. 

If you are just listening to what I say and not applying it to your lives then this is just entertainment and you might as well just watch Netflix. 

To see a real and valuable difference, you need to start today, start right now, and start with whatever you have and at whatever point you are. 

The very fact that you decided to listen to this podcast shows that you are willing to change and are just looking for a push in the right direction. 

You don’t have to commit to a huge change or long-term goals that scare you into not trying.  

Start small by changing that one thing that you have always wanted to change for just one day or one afternoon. See how that makes you feel. 

If it doesn’t work out for you then you can modify your plan of action or make it easier. On the contrary, if it does work out for you and makes you feel better and empowered you will continue doing it the next day. 

Instead of playing mental gymnastics with long term goals and their sustainability take one day at a time. Stop waiting for a change and start changing today. 

Quit mulling over the past and worrying about the future, focus on the present moment and how you can make the most of it.  

I hope this motivates you to take charge of change, I hope you save this for when you need motivation in future. Do share this with your friends and workout buddies. 

If this motivates you to workout then go ahead and sweat out, post a picture of your workout on Instagram, tag me and I would love to support and cheer you. 


woman doing push ups