Showing 40 Result(s)

Transform Your Choices into Habits

So, you managed a 10-minute walk earlier today? Excellent! Remember that success only comes when you decide to meet yourself where you are and by staying consistent. You have to learn how to show up for yourself by transforming your choices into habits. How about instead of setting goals when motivated, you create intentional systems that will help you keep going when you …

Motivation Made Easy: Maintain Motivation, Have More Energy, and Get Results in Your Fitness!

I’m sure you’re still looking for ways to implement your yearly fitness goals, right? And for you to accomplish these goals, you need motivation and energy. So, how are your habits boosting or sucking up your energy? Because your energy dictates your motivation, which is, maintained by taking action!  This is an episode of Girls Gone Healthy you don’t want to miss. I talk about maintaining motivation by changing your habits …

Fitness Progress You’re Forgetting to Measure

Have you really ever reflected on all the gains that fitness has added to your life? Those little things like showing up for your routine every morning or when you push yourself for ten more seconds past your breaking point. I gained confidence after pushing myself to show up in uncomfortable group fitness classes. It could be …

Health News Alert: F-Factor, Monat, and Jillian Michaels

F-Factor causing people to go to emergency rooms? Monat, a shampoo company, now selling digestive supplements? Jillian Michaels, Biggest Loser trainer, shitting on anti-diet methods? What the health? Tune into this week’s episode to hear about all the latest drama surrounding health, wellness, and fad trends.  Update. After listening back I messed up a few …