Reclaim Your Energy, Be Your Bad Bitch Self

JABS by Gina Instructor Jill Goodtree joins us today to talk about the power of reclaiming your energy. We talk about how to stop worrying about the little things, picking yourself up after feeling down, why showing up authentically helps those around you, and being more open to your feelings. Jill is an amazing instructor and is currently teaching online classes which are available to all for only $5-$9 per class. 

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About Jill Goodtree:

Jill Goodtree: I’m Jill! I’m a fitness instructor in NYC for Jabs by Gina. I’ve been teaching group fitness for about three years, and I joined Gina’s instructor team in March when Jabs started offering virtual classes. Outside of fitness, I also have a day job in the advertising industry! My experience in fitness and the corporate world has taught me to chase my dreams with a passions and not waste my time trying to get everyone to like me. I take pride in being my authentic, weird, goofy, self every single day.