Are you a college or a former athlete struggling to transition from whom you’ve always been to an everyday person? It is no secret that most former athletes find it very hard to transition from competitive sports to a “normal” life after retirement. I found it hard transitioning from a division 1 college athlete to an everyday one who cared about my health and nutrition. But I overcame it, and that’s why I wrote my book Elite to Everyday Athlete.
Read Elite to Everyday Athlete out now:

In this episode of the Live Your Personal Best podcast, I read the Intro chapter of my book Elite to Everyday Athlete.Listen in to learn how you can take the plan and structure you learned from sport to create a fulfilling everyday life after sports.
Key Takeaways:
· Understanding the struggles that former competing athletes face after retiring from sports.
· How an athlete can transition from a competing athlete to an everyday athlete.
· How to use the plan and structure from sports to create a new life for yourself after sports.
· The importance of focusing on mental health and psychological shifts that occur after retiring from competitive sports.
Episode Timeline:
· [2:26] The last 10 years of my life – into and out of sports achievements.
· [3:43] The struggles of a former ballerina Melisa, after retiring from competitive sports.
· [5:31] Understanding why athletes struggle with transitioning to retirement.
· [8:11] My personal struggles after retiring from sports and how I overcame them.
“Many athletes have common struggles after the game is over; loneliness, lack of coaching, support, or competition and its normal to try and find something new to replace the entire sport.”- Emily [5:06]
“The issue isn’t that athletes have eating and exercise problems and this is why they have a tough transition; the issue is, we never acknowledge the psychology behind the transition and how it affects an athlete’s mental, emotional, and physical health.”-Emily [6:38]