overweight female sitting on bench after exercise with dumbbells

Are You Living in Self-Belief or Self Doubt? Don’t Be Your Own Worst Enemy!

obese woman lifting dumbbells in gym
Photo by Andres Ayrton on Pexels.com

Are you working on achieving goals and not seeing daily results? The cause is deeply rooted within you in the form of self-doubt, which sabotages any form of progress, thus causing frustrations in the end. Your thoughts are the backbone of achievements whereas self-sabotage, is always actively trying to get in your way so that you don’t act on situations you’re supposed to. Avoid being a victim to self doubt! 

In this episode, we identify self-sabotage as any behaviour that creates problems in our daily lives and interferes with achieving our long-term goals. It exists actively, whenever we are ready to do something, then end up taking so much time before acting on the plan, and exists passively when we add more things to our day to avoid doing activities directed towards our goals. Let’s listen in and learn what causes self-sabotage and how to keep track of our goals to achieve them consistently. 

Part 1: Episode 82 – https://emilycoffman.org/focus-on-the-positive/  

Part 2: Episode 88 – https://emilycoffman.org/summer-fitness-goals/

Key Takeaways: 

  • Understanding what self-sabotage is and how it manifests itself differently within us. 
  • Self-doubt can either be active or passive. 
  • Having thoughts of self-sabotage trickles into one’s habits and adjusts one’s character into becoming who they are.  
  • Understanding the root causes of self-sabotage and how to counteractthem for the benefit of massive results. 
  • Consistency, self-discipline, and self-belief are vital in suppressing thoughts of self-sabotage.  

Episode Timeline: 

  • [1:24] What is the definition of self-sabotage, and how it hinders the achievement of our long term goals. 
  • [2:32] Self-sabotage identifies as either active or passive.  
  • [8:52] What are the causes of self-sabotage and how to identify the root cause of such thoughts. 


  • What the mind thinks, the body achieves.– Emily [4:21] 
  • What you think becomes your words, and your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, and your habits become your character.– Emily [4:40] 
  • Self-sabotage is such a big issue because its wasting your hard work.– Emily [5:23] 

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focused overweight female lifting dumbbell in training studio
Photo by Andres Ayrton on Pexels.com